If your heart is aflame with a fire of ministering in the empowerment of the Spirit of God – you are at the right place!
I, Reverend Melinda, searched. I surfed the net. I wanted to find where all the charismatic Anglicans had gone! And to tell you the truth … I struggled to find many.
So, I thought, why don’t I start a blog – a calling card – to encourage all Charismatic Anglicans who are living and ministering in Australia so we can mutually encourage one another, and discover together how to honour our Anglican identity, but at the same time continue to grow in moving in the Spiritual gifts Christ gave to His Church.
What do I hope to achieve through this blog? Through the efforts of the Anglican Renewal Network Australia (ARNA) and Sharing of Ministries Abroad, Australia (SOMA) – we hope to encourage all Anglicans who are ablaze with the Spirit to walk in their God endowed empowerment, with confidence, wisdom and discernment, all the while honouring the leadership and spiritual authority of their Rector or parish minister.
On Sunday as we finish worship we may end our service praying,
Father, we offer ourselves to you as a living sacrifice through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Send us out in the power of the Holy Spirit to live and work to your praise and glory.
As Spirit-filled people we long to live and minister in the power of the Spirit, using all of the gifts Jesus gave to his church. We desire this so that Christ’s church may be edified and built up until we all come to the unity of the faith and reach the fullness of God.
So, if you are an ‘ablazing’ Anglican, I want to hear from you.
If you love writing and want to encourage other Anglicans in the area of spiritual renewal and growth, would you consider being a ‘contributing writer’?
If so, please use the ‘contact us‘ page and get in touch.
I wish I had heard about this before.
I have moved to the top end of the Central Coast 5 years ago and have been seeking a home.
My husband has rapidly increasing Alzheimers and is now comfortable in the Salvos with many Spirit Filled people or I would join you.
Am a long time friend of John Wyndham